Lately, I've really started to notice all of the little things in my life that I'm grateful for. Not just the big events, but all those tiny little details that make me happy. I think it's time to make a conscious effort to capture the things that make me smile, the things that I'm grateful for on a daily basis, and I think the way to do that is through here. So here is day one of the things I'm grateful for: us. About two weeks ago I married my best friend, and we had the most amazing honeymoon in Italy. Just that sentence alone is full of some really majorly "grateful" things. To kick off this new segment, I thought instead of doing a play by play of our trip I would do a little list of things that make me the happiest from us and our trip. Here we go:

the support Mike gives me to follow this passion (even in a different country)

gorgeous architecture


quiet time and fresh air

gelato and that time right before night/right after sunset when night doesn't look so intimidating

prevailing pasts

someone who sees me for me

nature's will to overcome man's best attempts at fencing it in

this guy


creative souls

the beautiful lengths men go to for God

fresh produce

romantic dinners


old favorites and new traditions

beautiful views


salty air

perfect escapes

blue water


things that take your breath away

clear water through our toes

new places

things that are so beautiful you'd risk your neck just to catch a peak of

shady trees with a great view


little reminders

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