I was recently asked for my services in helping a very special little boy, Zachary Leach, and his family during a rough time. Zach is suffering from kidney issues that have led to him needing a transplant. As you know, this is not something that comes cheaply and will leave his family drained and struggling (though of course it is worth it to them). Some very generous family members and friends have donated their time and energy to put together a raffle in his honor on March 24th in Gainesville, Virginia. Myself, along with many other vendors, have donated services to be raffled off with all profits going towards Zach and his family. Raffle tickets are $5 and can be purchased online by emailing anewkidney4zach@gmail.com (check out this link for more information on different events and ways you can help out).
If you feel the call to help out or see an item or event you'd like to show up for or an item you won't mind having in the raffle, please don't hesitate to join in or simply donate! $5 goes a long way.
(here's a little preview of my contribution to the raffle, and there will be many more cool things as well)

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