Yesterday morning I met up with the Jacobs family on their property to catch a little glimpse into their lives. We have been chatting for a little while, and I was very excited to finally meet the family. Barry and his wife, Tori, have set up a beautiful way of life for themselves and their children that I really admire. And it's clear that it's rubbed off on their girls, as well. Morgan and Cammy are such sweet, fun, creative girls with such a positive energy. They both help with the horses and chickens while finding time to embrace their own individual personalities. Little side note, if you want to try some amazing local eggs, I suggest you look them up. I won't get on a rant about the differences in mass produced, chemically altered products versus natural ones, but trust me. Just ask for Morgan's Cool Eggs. Seriously. Trust me.
Cammy, the youngest, is a sweet little ball of energy with a beautiful outgoing personality. She isn't afraid to try out anything (even if it means scaling a huge bale of hay or jumping on a horse bareback). And Morgan has such a creative streak. Not only does she design clothes, but she's a writer too! I was lucky enough to hear one of her works in progress and I can shamelessly admit that I'll be the first one going "I heard her work before anyone else even knew about her" when she hits the best seller list. This family has such a pure energy that you can really see shine through in their pictures. Here are a few of my favorites: