This year has gotten off to quite the start, so I thought I'd take a few breaths and do a little personal post about some of the things I've been up to with the New Year. And of course I had to start with a few pics of Flynn because well...how could you not?

Flynn is now six months old and has started coming into his "puppiness" (I just made that up, but I'm sure all you dog owners know exactly what I'm talking about). He's finally big and strong enough to go on runs with me which you would think would wear him out, but no. Naps are now nonexistent. Instead he's taken to using his too-smart-for-a-dog brain to destroy lots of things. This week the victim was my glasses. Twice. Once taken off the night stand, and then the day after I got them back from being repaired he got into my hanging purse, extracted ONLY the glasses (still in their case), demolished the case, and then brought the poor remains to me proudly. For a free puppy, he's starting to really rack up some worth! But he's still the love of my life, even on the bad days

After the Holidays we started getting back into serious wedding mode. I'm actually beginning to have more "checks" in my done column than blanks, which is definitely a relief.
I think I'm taking the phrase "hand made" to the extreme, but I can't help it. I love details and am really getting into all the little things now that the big parts are taken care of. (the frog is just for visual affects, I promise that's not the card holders we're using!)

Since we're getting married up at my childhood home, I wanted to try and incorporate a little bit of Chincoteague into things. I thought it might be a nice touch to use Chincoteague Oyster shells as the place cards for the reception tables (how hard could it be, right?) Well...3 days worth of scraping, bleaching, scraping again, bleaching AGAIN and then hand drilling holes into each shell and some seriously busted up fingernails hard. But I'm really thrilled with the outcome

We're doing a lot of mason jar lighting around the property, but I wanted a little something special for the outdoor seating area we're putting together so I ordered these Moroccan Lanterns and am absolutely in love

And for the most exciting part of all the planning lately, we booked our honeymoon! Want to take a guess where to?


These pictures were taken when I was studying in Switzerland and had some time to travel to Rome. I'm probably the biggest art history nerd in the world so you can imagine how much I looooove Rome. I'm getting giddy just typing about it!

You'll have to excuse my nice table manners in the background. Not gonna lie, I plan on stuffing my face just like this again (and probably with just as few manners. Ok, maybe a little more gracefully...it's going to be my honeymoon...but I can't make any promises)

This year has started out full force. Not just with wedding and life things, but with the business as well, and all in such a great way. Thank you so much for all the support you've all given me, this year is already shaping out to be a good one for us! Keep an eye out for some upcoming shoots that I'm really excited to share.
I'll leave you with a my inspiration for the next few months, feel free to borrow it :)

love these photos, and your oyster shells, and the lanterns, and your honeymoon, and you. that's all.
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