Over the past few weeks I've really come to realize how thankful I am for so much in my life. Not that I was ungrateful before, but I've been able to witness some of the most beautiful parts of life-love, friendship, and companionship-in their most raw, purest forms. Michelle and Kevin have been dear friends to me for longer than I can remember. Even though time, school, jobs, and life in general has taken its toll, I've never felt that we have lost an ounce of our friendship. One of the things I admire more than anything about Michelle and Kevin is the honesty in their relationship, the same honesty that they share with others. Michelle is one of the most determined and goal oriented women I've ever known, and I think that drive and maturity has made their relationship what it is: open, comfortable, and 8 years strong. I can't tell you how amazing it was to be able to share this day with them, in Montego Bay of all places!

Mr. and Mrs. Smedley

How do I have such beautiful friends?

The wedding site. Michelle has been planning this since they met (literally. See what I mean about determined?)

I am so thankful for the beauty in this world, both in the people around us and in nature itself

And I'm very thankful for this man. Oh yeah, another thing to add to the grateful list, that I was able to share all this beauty with my new fiance

Congratulations Michelle and Kevin! I can barely put into words how happy I am for you. I'm so thankful that there is such true, honest love in the world.